Air Travel – A loss that occurs during or is a direct result of the Covered Person’s travel
in, travel on, fall from or descent from any aircraft while such aircraft is in flight, unless
the Covered Person is traveling solely as a passenger.

Crime/Illegal Occupation/Illegal Activity – A loss that: (a) occurs during; (b) is due to; or
© is related to; the Covered Person’s participation in or incarceration resulting from any
of the following in a role other than as a victim: (a) the commission of a felony; (b) an
illegal occupation or activity; © an insurrection; (d) terrorist activity; or (e) a riot.

Disease/Infirmity – A loss that is due to or related to: (a) disease or bodily infirmity of
mind or body’ (b) medical or surgical treatment of such disease or bodily infirmity; or ©
bacterial infections, except infections which occur as a result of an: (1) accidental cut or
wound; or (2) accidental ingestion of contaminated material.

Drugs – A loss that: (a) occurs during; (b) is due to; © is related to; the Covered
Person’s: (a) use of drugs, intoxicants, narcotics, barbiturates or hallucinogenic agents,
unless such use is as prescribed by a doctor or accidentally administered; (b) illegal use
of drugs, intoxicants, narcotics, barbiturates or hallucinogenic agents; or © legal

Military Service – A loss that: (a) occurs during; (b) is due to; © is related to; the
Covered Person’s duty in the military, naval or air services of any country.

Self-Inflicted Injury/Suicide – A loss that: (s) is due to or is related to: (1) suicide; (2) an
attempt at suicide; or (3) an intentionally self-inflicted injury; (b) occurs during an
attempt at suicide; or © occurs while intentionally injuring oneself; while the Covered
Person is sale or insane.

Treatment – A loss that: (a) occurs during; (b) is due to; or © is related to; any medical,
dental or surgical treatment unrelated to the accident which would otherwise entitle the
Covered Person to benefits.

War Conditions – A loss that: (a) during; (b) is due to; or © is related to; the Covered
Person’s engagement in any of the following in a role other than as a victim: (a) in a
war; (b) an act of war, or © an armed conflict which involves the armed forces of one or
more countries.