What are the C Series DHMO plans?

Humanan/CompBenefits’s C Series DHMO plans are network-based products that emphasize prevention and cost containment. In order to receive services, you must select a primary dentist who participates in the Humana/CompBenefits DHMO Network. The plans provide quality care and allow members to seek care from in-network specialists at 25% discount off normal fees. These plans provide savings ranging from 20-60% on regular dental procedures. The plans do not cover services (except emergency care) received from out-of-network dentists.

Plan Features:

  • Most preventative services are covered at 100% after a $5 – $10 office visit co-payment.
  • Most other common dental procedures are covered for a fixed co-payment, so there are no hidden costs.
  • Specialist services are discounted at 25% off normal fees.
  • For any procedures not specifically listed, you will receive a 25% discount off
    the dentist’s normal fees.
  • No deductibles
  • No claims to file
  • No waiting periods
  • No benefit maximum

How does the plan work?

Under our C Series DHMO plans, you must select a primary dentist from the Humana/CompBenefits DHMO network. Your primary dentist will provide all of your routine care. When you visit your primary care dentist, simply present your HumanaCompBenefits identification card. You may be required to pay a co-payment for some services provided by your primary care dentist. If the dental services provided are not listed as covered procedures under the plans, the primary care dentist will bill you at a 25% discount off normal fees.
Should you require the services of a specialist, you can choose any in-network specialist under the Humana/CompBenefits DHMO plan. All in-network specialists have agreed to provide Humana/CompBenefit members a 25% discount for all procedures.
The co-payments or discounted charges are billed at the time of service and will be the full portion of your cost for dental services, so there are no claim forms to file. You pay your dentist directly, if applicable.

Humana/CompBenefits DHMO plan is available in:  AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MO, OH, TN, TX** (Plan CA0065 in Arkansas)

Additional participant information:

Participants must choose a Humana/CompBenefits participating dentist..
Go to compbenefits.com, then click on “Providers/Search”; “Find Dental Providers”; “DHMO Plans”; put in your zip code, CompBenefits will give you a list of dental providers and a map of their locations. (The dental facility number must be included on your Enrollment Form.)

IMPORTANT: After you have selected a provider, please call that provider to verify that new patients are being accepted.

All family members must use the same dentist. All benefits are available as of your effective date.

Age limit for child(ren) coverage: To age 19 or age 23 if a full-time student at accredited School, College or University.

Same coverage and premium rates for retired participants. No termination age for Enrollee and Spouse.

Your completed Enrollment Form and payment must be received 45 days prior to the effective date of coverage. See following chart:

Enrollment- Coverage Effective Date

If your application is received by this date, and payment is received prior to the coverage effective date:Coverage will begin on this date:
January 15March 1
February 15April 1
March 15May 1
April 15June 1
May 15July 1
June 15August 1
July 15September 1
August 15October 1
September 15November 1
October 15December 1
November 15January 1
December 15February 1

Premium Rates

Veterans Administration Employee Association Humana/CompBenefits Rates 4/1/2014 - 12/31/2014
Group #StatePlanMonthly Monthly Monthly QuarterlyQuarterlyQuarterlyBW BW BW
EEEE + 1EE + 2EEEE + 1EE + 2EEEE + 1EE + 2


Please Contact Us or Enroll Now if you are ready to get started!
